By Andre Geiger on 14 de Março de 2023
String instruments in the orchestra

Find out which string instruments are present in the orchestra
There are several instruments that make up an orchestra and each of them has a differential that makes it unique and special. Among them, there are five that are classified as string instruments, namely: violins, violas, cellos, double basses and harp.

Shall we meet each one of them?

The violin can be classified as a fretted string instrument, as well as others that we will see below. The instrument has its origins in Bavaria, Germany, but was popularized even from Italy.

It is one of the sharpest sounding instruments and has a prominent position in any orchestra. Did you know that you are the first violinist who governs the other instruments? Due to its unmistakable, lofty and refined sound, the violin is present in several of the most classic compositions.

It has even older origins than the violin and is also classified as a bowed string instrument. Due to its size and playing style, it is often confused with its higher-pitched cousin.

It has a sound that, despite being smooth, is also full-bodied and marks harmonic progressions, and is even a little lower than the violin. Its tuning is done in C, G, D and A.

Bach wrote exquisite viola concertos such as Viola Concerto in C Minor, check it out!

There's no way to go to a concert and not be amazed by the cello, both for its size, it's bigger than the violin and viola, and for the sound, which is quite serious. It is tuned in A, D, G and C.

To play it, the musician is seated, with the instrument resting between his legs, in a vertical position. In addition, it has the “spike”, a kind of stick that keeps it on the ground and helps it not to fall or slip.

In Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, the cello features prominently. Enjoy!

The double bass is the largest and most serious of the string instruments present in an orchestra.

Its position is very similar to that of the cello when playing. It can be played with a bow or with the fingers, in the pizzicato technique, normally used in jazz.

With its origins in the 16th century, the instrument received the name contrabass precisely because it sounds an octave lower than the cello.

Finally, the harp. One of the oldest instruments, along with the flute, the harp is quite representative for its sweet, harmonic and unique sound. In addition to being an instrument of unique beauty.

It is composed of bristles of 46 or 47 parallel strings and some harps have pedals, whose function is to change the height of the note when playing, being able to raise or lower a half tone.

To help the harpist play by making it easier to locate, the C notes of a harp are marked in red and the F notes are marked in blue.

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